David Cervilla

CEO Nevitec Vision Technologies – Artificial Vision Business Group

The Mentoring & Coaching process has helped me take an important step in my development. I have reinforced my strengths, while I am actively working on my areas of improvement, both personally and professionally. A clear example is the discovery and implementation of mindfulness in my life.

I have gained new perspectives that have allowed me to address challenges more effectively. A clear example, the improvement of communication depending on the
interlocutor (Relational communication styles). During this Mentoring/Coaching process, I have experienced a significant transformation on a personal level.

I have further explored my own self, which, although disturbing at times, has been essential to growing up as a person. I have worked on skills to be more reflective; I
have implemented stress management techniques to maintain that positive attitude and mentality so necessary every day.

In terms of my leadership style, I have noticed a transition towards a more generous and collaborative approach. I am focused on being more effective in teamwork, promoting spaces where opinions are valued and promoting an environment that encourages the active participation of all team members, with a more collaborative approach in achieving the objectives or goals that we have set for ourselves.

A great experience that has made me grow!

En nuestra sección GOTAS encontraréis las experiencias de algun@s de nuestros Mentees.

Dicen que no hay mejor forma de explicar el impacto que dejamos en las personas y organizaciones en las que colaboramos, que explicado directamente por l@s propi@s implicados.

Muy felices de contribuir en el crecimiento de vuestro liderazgo (profesional y personal), y a la vez, de vuestros equipos.


¡Gracias a vosotr@s!

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