Josep Barberillo

CEO, Industrial Engineering and Architecture Company

The Mentoring process helps me pause and reflect on the small daily actions that often go unnoticed but that, over time, can generate great results. It is an open door to new approaches and perspectives, a safe space in which I can explore and address topics that might otherwise be forgotten. When I decide to face them and act, I discover their great potential to boost my growth, both as a leader and as a person.

This process has made me more aware of the value of reflection, active listening, and the importance of fully trusting others. I have learned that leading is not about imposing, but about inspiring and creating spaces where everyone can contribute the best of themselves. Furthermore, I have noticed a positive change in the reception of my proposals in the work environment. The small constant improvements that I have been making are generating a real impact, both on teams and on projects. I feel that the company is moving forward with greater awareness and aligned with clear values and purposes, and this confirms to me that we are building a solid foundation for the future.

En nuestra sección GOTAS encontraréis las experiencias de algun@s de nuestros Mentees.

Dicen que no hay mejor forma de explicar el impacto que dejamos en las personas y organizaciones en las que colaboramos, que explicado directamente por l@s propi@s implicados.

Muy felices de contribuir en el crecimiento de vuestro liderazgo (profesional y personal), y a la vez, de vuestros equipos.


¡Gracias a vosotr@s!

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