Montse Estela

CEO & Co-Founder

Mentor-Coach in Purpose-Driven Organizations
& Mentor in Business Strategy

Montse Estela is a Founding Partner of the companies Mentoraes and the Strategy and Internationalisation Consultancy, estela carbonell & associats. Her professional experience has been developed for more than 25 years at an international level, occupying positions as Executive and Director in Large Companies and Multinationals. In the last 15 years she has contributed to more than 500 business projects, from different sectors and cultures, as a Strategy Consultant, Member of Boards of Directors, Start-Up Mentor as well as Mentor-Coach for Executives and Directors in their professional and personal development, within the business environment.

Montse is defined as an enterprising, restless, strategic and visionary woman, with a high intrinsic and transcendent motivation and oriented to the client and people. Mother of two daughters, her passion is her family and her vocation is her profession. Her personal struggle is to maintain coherence and balance in order to be able to offer her best version in her personal and professional facet.

Jordi Bolea


Senior Leadership & Growth Expert
in Purpose-Driven Organizations

Jordi Bolea is a Co-Founder of Mentoraes and also Founder  of teknics, a special machinery design and construction engineering company. His professional experience began with the creation of teknics, more than 30 years ago, and has been enriched by the growth of the company and the technical, organisational and human challenges that have emerged from its growth. He has always sought meaning in his work, both for himself and for his collaborators, which has led him to undertake projects that have allowed them to develop as individuals.

Jordi stands out as a person who is approachable, reliable, tenacious, audacious and has a great capacity for work. Father of three daughters, Jordi is enthusiastic about serving people, accompanying them in their personal and professional improvement.

Iola Vicent

Executive & Personal Coach

Mindfulness (MBSR) and breathing techniques Instructor
Emotional Intelligence Expert

Iola Vicent es fundadora de Ecología de Vida, Coach Personal y Ejecutiva, Instructora de Mindfulness y técnicas de respiración y experta en Inteligencia Emocional. Su experiencia profesional como Coach e Instructora de Mindfulness MBSR, se ha desarrollado tanto en el ámbito empresarial como en el personal.

Iola destaca por ser una mujer serena, gran comunicadora y con una alta motivación transcendente. Su propósito personal ha sido siempre el bienestar y la felicidad de las personas en entornos profesionales y personales, generando en su entorno un ambiente de calma y confianza. Madre de dos hijas, Iola es sin duda una Persona Vitamina para Mentoraes.


Collaborating Team

Professionals oriented to Purpose-Driven Organizations

At Mentoraes we are proud to have a team of first class collaborators, including Entrepreneur Mentors, Lecturers, University Professors, Executive Coaches and Leadership Coaches.

Our network of partners gives us a high added value. Their contribution to each project, with their specific knowledge and skills, provides a distinctive value to our clients.

We could not be more grateful for their contribution!