Xavier Corrons

C-Level Director, Industrial Business Group

The Mentoring process mainly gave me a space to stop and think, consciously, about myself, and my relationship with the environment. It gave me self-knowledge and, therefore, in some way, the ability to consciously deepen one’s SWOT, beyond the circumstances surrounding the professional environment, in a space guided by my Mentor-Coach, Montse Estela, which somehow causes all those elements to appear that allow us to strengthen, expand and improve the foundations and leadership style, for better personal and professional development.

This experience has had an impact on my leadership of teams at the highest level, to make them grow, and this allows me to contribute more value to the company in every sense, in very demanding and changing environments that require giving the most of oneself and unconsciously make one forget about oneself more than would be advisable. To make the team and, therefore, the company grow, oneself must grow, and the Mentoring & Leadership Coaching sessions with Montse Estela have given me spaces to do so consciously, especially based on strengthening the foundations of personal self-knowledge, which often marks why we act in one way and not another. If we are aware of this, one can use it effectively to “grow by growing.” In this sense, beyond knowing oneself, the Mentoring & Coaching space has also allowed me to learn about different ways of being of people, which in turn also allows me to have tools to better lead different types of personalities that make up the teams. That said, my leadership style, rather than changing, I would say that it has been strengthened by being more conscious, with the clear purpose of “grow by making the team grow”.

En nuestra sección GOTAS encontraréis las experiencias de algun@s de nuestros Mentees.

Dicen que no hay mejor forma de explicar el impacto que dejamos en las personas y organizaciones en las que colaboramos, que explicado directamente por l@s propi@s implicados.

Muy felices de contribuir en el crecimiento de vuestro liderazgo (profesional y personal), y a la vez, de vuestros equipos.


¡Gracias a vosotr@s!

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