6 requisitos del buen liderazgo

1. Anticípate a los cambios El mundo empresarial es necesariamente volátil. Debes abordarlo con la mirada puesta en el futuro creando una cultura de diversidad. Después de todo, un grupo diverso de personas constituye un grupo que piensa de manera amplia y tiene en cuenta una variedad de desafíos y oportunidades potenciales. 2. No te aferres al pasado En […]
What You Can Do to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout

People can leverage their emotional intelligence to deal with stress and ward off burnout. You, too, might want to try the following: Don’t be the source of your stress. Too many of us create our own stress, with its full bodily response, merely by thinking about or anticipating future episodes or encounters that might be […]
Cómo la cultura empresarial moldea la motivación de los empleados

La razón por la que trabajamos determina cómo trabajamos. Lo que pueden hacer los líderes en las organizaciones Los líderes de equipo pueden empezar a mejorar la motivación total de sus empleados de la siguiente manera: Convocar una reunión de reflexión con tu equipo una vez a la semana. Los equipos mantienen una reunión de […]
The Secret to Becoming a Better Manager

When people on your team are quitting, not performing, or seeming disengaged, what should you do? Instead of sitting them down, reviewing their goal progress, and telling them to work harder, channel your inner gardener. That means, taking ownership of meeting your teams’ physical, emotional, and environmental needs and getting to the root cause of […]
7 Reasons why patience makes you a better leader

1. Patience gives you a clearer vision of the future. You’ll have more realistic expectations and a calmer outlook. 2. Patience helps you better manage your work and your time. You’ll avoid task stockpiles, disorganization and a lack of focus. 3. Patience conveys maturity. It fosters a consistent identity over time and encourages people to […]
The Three Elements of Trust.

By understanding the behaviors that underlie trust, leaders are better able to elevate the level of trust that others feel toward them. Here are the three elements. 1. Positive Relationships. Trust is in part based on the extent to which a leader is able to create positive relationships with other people and groups. To instill trust a leader […]